The Changing Map of Democracy

Concept Explanation

The Changing Map of Democracy

The changing map of democracy: The 20th century was full of many kinds of events like transition and challenges to democracy, military coups, struggles of the people to bring back democracy and so on. Three maps are given below, which show a pattern in the way democracies have evolved in the 20th century. 

Map 1 depicts the countries that were democratic in 1950, A few years after the Second World War. It also shows countries that had already become democratic by 1900.Map 2 presents a picture of democratic regimes in 1975, after most of the colonies had gained independence.Map 3 shows the status of democratic countries at the beginning of the 21st century.The main points that emerge out after studying these maps are:• Democracy has expanded throughout the 20th century.• Democracy did not spread evenly in all regions, but was first established in some regions before spreading to others.Although a majority of nations are democratic today, there are still large parts of the world which are still not democratic.



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